Tuesday, February 4, 2020

SCH 3U/4C - Nomenclature - Tertiary & Tetrary Compounds

There are a few compounds that are not binary compounds, but they do end in ‘-ide’.  These compounds contain ions that have a special name given to that particular grouping of atoms. 

OH-        hydroxide
CN-        cyanide
NH4+      ammonium

There are other groupings of atoms, called the complex or polyatomic anions, that have specific names and valences associated with them.  The substances that contain all these ions are called tertiary and tetrary compounds because the compounds will contain three or four different elements.

NO3-         nitrate
ClO3-        chlorate
BrO3-        bromate
IO3-           iodate
C2H3O2-   acetate
CO32-       carbonate
SO42-        sulfate
PO43-        phosphate
MnO4-       permanganate
CrO42-       chromate
Cr2O72-     dichromate

Rules for Writing a Name from a Formula
1.     Write exactly the same way as for binary compounds.
2.    Apply the Stock rules if the first element has more than one valence.

ex.(a)  NaCN               sodium cyanide
     (b)  Fe(OH)3           iron (III) hydroxide
     (c)  NH4NO3           ammonium nitrate
     (d)  MgSO4            magnesium sulfate
     (e)  Pb(NO3)2         lead (II) nitrate

Rules for Writing a Formula from a Name
1.     Write exactly the same way as for binary compounds.
2.    Apply the Stock rules if necessary.

Ex.     (a)  calcium hydroxide            Ca2   OH1    Ca(OH)2
          (b)  ammonium sulfide            NH4+   S2    (NH4)2S
          (c)  copper (II) cyanide           Cu2   CN1    Cu(CN)2
          (d)  cobalt (II) nitrate               Co2   NO31    Co(NO3)2
          (e)  magnesium phosphate     Mg2   PO43    Mg3(PO4)2
Want to learn more about tert and tet?  You bet!

Give the correct formula for the following.
1.     iron (III) sulfate
2.    copper (I) iodate
3.    ammonium phosphate
4.    sodium cyanide
5.    magnesium carbonate
6.    lead (II) bromate
7.    mercury (I) nitrate
8.    nickel (II) acetate
9.    tin (IV) phosphate
10.  iron (II) hydroxide
11.  zinc hydroxide
12.  chromium (III) iodate
13.  sodium phosphate
14.  potassium permanganate
15.  sodium dichromate
16.  hydrogen sulfate
17.  barium chromate
18.  tin (II) nitrate
19.  silver acetate
20. calcium hydroxide
21.  zinc nitrate
22. sodium carbonate
23. magnesium sulfate
24. hydrogen chlorate
25. silver nitrate
26. mercury (I) cyanide
27. ammonium phosphate
28. cesium bromate
29. silver acetate
30. aluminum sulfate

Give the correct name for the following.
1.     KNO3
2.    CuCN
3.    Na2SO4
4.    NH4Cl
5.    CaCO3
6.    Al(IO3)3
7.    FePO4
8.    Ba(OH)2
9.    As(C2H3O2)5
10.  Sb(NO3)3
11.  CrCO3
12.  ZnSO4
13.  AlPO4
14.  Pb(CN)2
15.  NH4NO3
16.  AgNO3
17.  NaOH
18.  HgClO3
19.  BaSO4
20. NH4ClO3
21.  KOH
22. HNO3
23. Al2(SO4)3
24. Pb(OH)2
25. CsOH
26. NH4IO3
27. KMnO4
28. Na2Cr2O7
29. Zn(NO3)2
30. FeCO3
Answer Keys: