Thursday, February 13, 2020

SCH 3U - Ionization Energy

An ion is a charged particle formed when an atom (or molecule) loses or gains electrons.  Atoms lose or gain electrons to attain a full outer shell like the Noble Gases (Octet Rule). 

When atoms lose electrons, there are now more protons than electrons, so the ion has a positive charge (ex.  Na+)


When atoms gain electrons, there are now more electrons than protons, so the ion has a negative charge (ex.  S2-)


Ionization Energy (IE)
The first ionization energy of an element is the minimum energy required to remove the most loosely bound electron from an atom in the gas phase.

Analyzing First Ionization Energy - using the data table and graph paper (or a plotting program):
  • Plot first ionization energy vs. atomic number for the first 38 elements.  Be sure to include a title, labels and units.  Join the points, one to the next, with straight lines. (/6)
  • You will find that you have 4 major high points (peaks) and 4 major low points (troughs).  Label peaks and troughs with element symbols. (/2)
  • Draw Lewis diagrams for each peak and trough element. (/4)
  • What is similar about all the peak elements? (/2)
  • What is similar about all the trough elements? (/2)
  • Explain the pattern of peak and trough elements. (/4)