Monday, February 24, 2020

SCH 4U - Covalent Network Crystals

Covalent Network Crystals

Covalent network crystals (also referred to as “covalent crystals” or “network crystals”) consist of atoms held together in large networks or chains by covalent bonds (a covalent network crystal is essentially one large molecule).

Covalent crystals are found in three categories, depending on the orientation of bonding with the crystal lattice:  3D, 2D or 1D.  We will discuss them all below:      


3-D Covalent Network Solids

In diamond, each C is covalently bonded to four other carbon atoms.  This 3-D structure contributes to diamond’s amazing hardness.  

SiO2 (quartz) is not as hard because of different sized atoms, which results in weaker bonds.

Metalloids, like Si and Ge, are also found as covalent crystals.

Another 3-D covalent crystal is silicon carbide (SiC, known as carborundum).

Properties of 3D Covalent Network Solids

Mechanical Strength

  • extremely hard (will cleave) due to very strong covalent bonds
Electrical Conductivity
  • insulators because there are no free electrons or ions to carry electricity

Melting Point

  • extremely high since strong covalent bonds are difficult to break
Interaction with Light
  • usually transparent because there are no free electrons to interact with the light


2-D Covalent Network Solids

Graphite, which is based on the benzene ring (C6H6), is composed of stacked sheets consisting of interlocking benzene rings without hydrogen.

Notice that each carbon is bonded in a trigonal planar fashion to three neigbours.  To create a three-dimensional structure, these sheets would be stacked upon each other.

Mica (Si2O5) is the other substance that is a 2-D covalent network crystal.

In most molecules the electrons are localized on the atom (i.e. the σ- and 𝛑-electrons are associated totally with the two atoms forming the bond).  In benzene (and hence, graphite), the electrons are delocalized (the electrons are semi-mobile and can move about causing resonance structures).  Therefore, graphite has (a) very strong covalent bonds linking C atoms in the plane of the sheets and (b) weak London forces between the sheets, holding them together.

Let's take a closer look at the bonding in the six carbon benzene ring to see how this works.  We will focus on one of the six carbon rings that is found in the graphite sheet.

Since the p orbitals can overlap in two different manners (creating the resonance structures), the electrons are considered to be delocalized.  This means that they are not completely locked into place on the parent atom. 


Properties of 2-D Covalent Network Solids

Mechanical Strength

  • graphite is a soft solid that cleaves in planes (because the London forces are weak); can be used as a lubricant
Melting Point
  • very high since the covalent bonds require a large amount of energy to break

Electrical Conductivity

  • excellent in graphite since it has delocalized electrons to carry the electricity
  • poor in mica since there are no delocalized electrons
Interaction with Light
  • opaque and shiny in graphite due to the interaction of light with the delocalized electrons
  • transparent in mica since there are no delocalized electrons to interact with the light


1D Covalent Network Solid

There is only one example of a 1D covalent network solid: asbestos.  Asbestos mainly consists of alternating silicon and oxygen atoms bonded to each other. Asbestos, due its 1D structure is fibrous in nature.


Allotropes of Carbon

We have already discussed diamond and graphite, but there is a third allotrope (physical form) of carbon, discovered in 1985, C60, aka, Buckminsterfullerene (or Bucky Ball for short).

Some scientists believe that carbon nanotubes (relatives of Bucky Ball) could be used to create a space elevator.

Homework # 31-37