SCH 4C Intro

Electronics Policy

There is a NO TOLERANCE POLICY for electronics in the classroom.  

Any device brought to class will be placed in the "Cell Phone Garage" (kept at the side of the classroom; visible at all times).  

I will not be responsible for the security of devices in the garage, so if you a re concerned that your electronic device will be lost or stolen, DO NOT BRING IT TO CLASS.  

If you wish to use a tablet or laptop for lessons/HW, please speak to me first.


Course Information Sheet




Safety Contract


Each assessment will contain some or all of the TACK categories.  Each category has a weighting, which is mandated by the GECDSB:

T - Thinking and Inquiry - 30%

A - Application/Making Connections - 15%

C - Communication - 20%

K - Knowledge & Understanding - 35%

To have a general idea of your class mark throughout the semester, you can use the percentages above, in combination with the values on your returned assessments, to calculate:

Approximate Class Mark* = 0.30 (sum of T marks) + 0.15 (sum of A marks) + 0.20 (sum of C marks) + 0.35 (sum of K marks)

Final SCH 4C Mark = 0.70 (semester work) + 0.30 (final summative assessment)

*Your final mark will be determined using triangulation (a combination of teacher observations, student-teacher conversations and student products (assessments)).