SCH 4U Intro

Electronics Policy

There is a NO TOLERANCE POLICY for electronics in the classroom.  

Any device brought to class will be placed in the "Cell Phone Garage" (kept at the side of the classroom; visible at all times).  

I will not be responsible for the security of devices in the garage, so if you a re concerned that your electronic device will be lost or stolen, DO NOT BRING IT TO CLASS.  

If you wish to use a tablet or laptop for lessons/HW, please speak to me first.


Course Information Sheet


Safety Contract



Each assessment will contain some or all of the TACK categories.  Each category has a weighting, which is mandated by the GECDSB:

T - Thinking and Inquiry - 30%

A - Application/Making Connections - 15%

C - Communication - 20%

K - Knowledge & Understanding - 35%

To have a general idea of your class mark throughout the semester, you can use the percentages above, in combination with the values on your returned assessments, to calculate:

Approximate Class Mark* = 0.30 (sum of T marks) + 0.15 (sum of A marks) + 0.20 (sum of C marks) + 0.35 (sum of K marks)

Final SCH 4U Mark = 0.70 (semester work) + 0.30 (final summative assessment)

*Your final mark is determined using triangulation (a combination of teacher observations, student-teacher conversations and student products (assessments)). 

Ok, Sabre science peeps!  Let's do this thang!





Diagnostic Quiz - This diagnostic quiz contains questions on topics with which you should already be proficient.  If you are unable to answer these questions with ease, it's time to brush up.  The answers are directly below.