Tuesday, February 4, 2020

SCH 3U - Nomenclature - Radicals

Many of the previously introduced complex anions may be made into radicals by the addition or removal of oxygen atoms from the anion formula.  Depending on the number of oxygen atoms added or removed, the radicals will have names derived from the original name of the complex anion (per…ate, …ate, …ite, hypo…ite).  Notice that the charge on the anion does not change when oxygen atoms are added or removed.

SO52-  persulfate         ClO4-     perchlorate     👉1 more O atom than ‘-ate’
SO42-       sulfate         ClO3-          chlorate     👉original complex anion (‘-ate’)
SO32-         sulfite         ClO2-          chlorite      👉1 less O atom than ‘-ate’
SO22- hyposulfite         ClO-    hypochlorite     👉2 less O atoms than ‘-ate’

Rules for Writing a Name from a Formula
1.     Write exactly the same way as for binary compounds.
2.    Apply the Stock rules if the first element has more than one valence.

ex.(a)  NaNO2        sodium nitrite                    
* NO3- is nitrate, so removing 1 oxygen atom gives NO2-, which is nitrite
     (b)  Cu(ClO4)2    copper (II) perchlorate 
* ClO3- is chlorate, so adding 1 oxygen atom gives ClO4-, which is perchlorate

Rules for Writing a Formula from a Name
1.     Write exactly the same way as for binary compounds.
2.    Apply the Stock rules if necessary.

ex.(a)  potassium hypophosphite       K1   PO23   K3PO2
     (b)  iron (III) sulfite                        Fe3  SO32   Fe2(SO3)3

Dude!  Wanna see sumthin' radical?? Check this out!

Give the correct formula for the following.
1.     sodium chlorite
2.    iron (III) carbonate
3.    calcium persulfate
4.    mercury (I) perchlorate
5.    manganese (II) nitrite
6.    iron (III) phosphate
7.    ammonium nitrate
8.    zinc hypochlorite
9.    potassium phosphite
10.  iron (III) sulfate
11.  cobalt (II) chlorite
12.  copper (II) hypophosphite
13.  nickel (III) perchlorate
14.  copper (I) perchlorate
15.  tin (IV) hypochlorite
16.  sodium phosphite
17.  potassium permanganate
18.  tin (II) nitrate
19.  sodium nitrite
20. calcium carbonate

Give the correct name for the following.
1.     CuClO2
2.    PbCO3
3.    Na3PO2
4.    Sn(ClO4)4
5.    Ni(ClO3)3
6.    As(ClO3)3
7.    Bi2(SO2)5
8.    Cu3(PO2)2
9.    Co(ClO3)2
10.  Fe2(SO5)3
11.  CrCO3
12.  K3PO5
13.  Zn(ClO)2
14.  FePO3
15.  Mn(NO)4
16.  HgClO3
17.  CaSO4
18.  Fe2(CO3)3
19.  MgSO4
20. NaClO
Answer Keys: