Tuesday, February 4, 2020

SCH 3U - Nomenclature - Molecules, Atoms & Elements

Most elements are available in nature as atoms.  For example, carbon, sodium and tin are simply C, Na and Sn.  However, several elements are found as molecules in nature.  For instance, when a chemist speaks of a reaction in which oxygen (or oxygen gas) is a reactant, she means that O2 is being used.  Similarly, when a teacher tells you that the main component of the atmosphere is nitrogen, he means N2, not N.  Likewise, the halogens occur naturally as diatomic molecules.

ex. (a)  Cl2           chlorine OR chlorine gas

      (b)  K              potassium

      (c)  S8             sulfur


Give the correct name for the following.

1.     Cl2
2.    Hg
3.    O2
4.    S8
5.    Mg
6.    P4
7.    Br2
8.    Si
9.    F2
10.  Fe
11.  I2
12.  H2
13.  C
14.  Li
15.  N2

Nomenclature Review
Answer the following questions using any previous naming system that will provide appropriate names and formulae. 

Give the correct formula for the following.
1.     sodium chromate
2.    aluminum sulfide        
3.    tin (IV) chloride                   
4.    chromium (III) hydroxide
5.    dinitrogen tetroxide  
6.    cobalt (III) oxide
7.    calcium phosphate      
8.    hydrogen sulfate
9.    sodium carbonate
10.  cupric sulfate             
11.  mercury (II) bromide
12.  iron (III) sulfate                 
13.  copper (II) chloride   
14.  calcium nitride           
15.  cobalt (II) chloride    
16.  dichlorine monoxide   
17.  tetraphosphorus decasulfide
18.  lead (IV) sulfide
19.  chromium (VI) oxide  
20. chromium (III) oxide 
21.  ammonium sulfide                 
22. magnesium chlorate    
23. aluminum phosphate
24. cesium selenide
25. mercuric chloride
26. zinc phosphate           
27. aluminum nitride         
28. silicon dioxide            
29. lead (II) nitrate
30. stannic iodide

Give the correct name for the following.
1.     NaCl       
2.    CaBr2   
3.    ZnS
4.    H2O       
5.    FeCl2   
6.    SnCl2     
7.    N2
8.    PCl3     
9.    SF6      
10.  CO         
11.  CaSO4 
12.  PF5      
13.  KBr      
14.  Na2S      
15.  CO2        
16.  NaClO3   
17.  Cu(CN)2  
18.  Al2(SO4)3         
19.  BaCO3    
20. AsI3       
21.  Al(OH)3  
22. NH4OH
23. K3P
24. KCN
25. AlN
26. KMnO4
27. Al(ClO3)3
28. CuSO4
29. SCl6     
30. CO2
Answer Keys: