Monday, February 3, 2020

SCH 3U - Nomenclature - Ous/Ic Naming System

A third, and least commonly used method of naming compounds, in which the first element may have more than one valence is called the ‘ous-ic’ system.  This system makes use of the Latin names of many of the metals.

iron ferrum
lead plumbum
tin stannum
gold aurum

Rules for Writing a Name from a Formula
1.     Write the name for the first element.  Remove the ending and add either ‘-ous’ (if the element is using its lower valence) or ‘-ic’ (if the element is using its higher valence).
2.    Write the name of the second element.  Remove the ending and add ‘-ide’.

ex.(a)  PbBr2     plumbous bromide
     (b)  PbBr4     plumbic bromide

Rules for Writing a Formula from a Name
1.     Write down symbols for the two elements, in the order they appear in the name.
2.    Place the valence of the first element above the first symbol (‘-ous’ = lower valence, ‘-ic’ = higher valence).
3.    Place the valence of the second element above the second symbol.
4.    Use the ‘criss-cross’ rule and write the numbers as subscripts.
5.    Reduce the subscript numbers to the simplest ratio.

ex.(a)  stannous chloride       Sn2   Cl1   SnCl2
     (b)  stannic chloride          Sn4   Cl1   SnCl4

Can I get an "ous"?  Can I get an "ic"?  Can I get a video?

Give the correct formula for the following.
1.     mercuric oxide
2.    cupric iodide
3.    stannous chloride
4.    ferric chloride
5.    arsenious sulfide
6.    plumbic fluoride
7.    nickelic oxide
8.    phosphorous chloride
9.    antimonic oxide
10.  carbonic oxide
11.  manganous sulfide
12.  arsenic oxide
13.  stannic iodide
14.  cuprous chloride
15.  auric oxide
16.  chromic iodide
17.  aurous bromide
18.  ferrous sulfide
19.  sulfuric oxide
20. sulfurous oxide

Give the correct name for the following.
1.     CO2
2.    Sb2O5
3.    PCl3
4.    Ni2O3
5.    PbF4
6.    As2S3
7.    FeN
8.    SnCl2
9.    CuI2
10.  HgO
11.  SO2
12.  SO3
13.  FeS
14.  AuBr
15.  CrI3
16.  Au2O3
17.  SnI4
18.  MnS
19.  As2O5
20. CuCl2
Answer Keys: