Tuesday, February 16, 2021

SNC 2P - Physics - Objects & Images

Images & Light Rays

We will use the law of reflection and the geometry of light rays to predict the location and characteristics of images formed by mirrors.


Objects & Images

An object is  the actual item that you see with your unaided eyes.

An image is the likeness of an object as seen in a mirror.


An image can be described by defining four characteristics (SALT):

Size – the ratio of image size to object size.  An image can appear bigger, smaller or the same size as the object.

Attitude – whether the image is oriented the same way as the object (upright) or upside down (inverted).

Location – the distance between the image and the mirror.  An image can appear closer, farther or the same distance with respect to the mirror's surface.

Type – whether the image is real (actually light rays converge – image appears on a screen) or virtual.


Question of the Day #9:  Describe the characteristics (SALT) for an image created by your bathroom mirror.