Friday, February 12, 2021

SNC 2P - Physics - Colours

The Visible Spectrum

The visible spectrum contains all of the colours that we can see; namely, all the colours of the rainbow:

To recall the correct order of colours in the visible spectrum (rainbow), remember, our buddy, Mr. ROY G. BIV.


The Colour of Opaque Objects

What colour is this apple?

Is this a trick question??   It's red, of course.

But, why does the apple appear red to us under normal circumstances?

The apple appears red because white light (which contains all the colours of the rainbow) strike the surface of the apple.  All colours, except red are absorbed, but red is reflected off the surface back to our eyes.

Likewise, the green pepper appears green because it reflects green light and absorbs all the other colours.


Question of the Day #6Explain why a banana appears yellow to our eyes.  Include a picture along with your words to explain fully.  Send your answer to me on Edsby.

Question of the Day #7Explain why blue cellophane appears blue regardless of whether light is shining on it or through it.  Include a picture along with your words to explain fully.  Read p. 291 to inform your answer.  Send your answer to me on Edsby.