Sunday, February 28, 2021

SNC 2P - Chemistry - Matter, Properties & Changes


Matter is anything that has mass & volume.


Changes of State


Classification of Matter


Physical Property

A physical property is a property that can be determined without altering the chemical composition of the material (ex. colour, odour, melting point).

Quantitative Physical Property

A quantitative physical property is a measurable property that has a number and a unit (ex. density, mass).

Qualitative Physical Property

A qualitative physical property is simply a description that does not have a measurement (ex. colour, odour).


Chemical Property

A chemical property is a property that describes how matter behaves in the presence of other substances or when subjected to heat, light or electricity (ex. iron reacts with oxygen to form rust).


Physical Change

A physical change is a change in which the chemical identity or composition of the sample of matter remains the same (ex. cutting wood, all changes of state, dissolution).


Chemical Change

A chemical change is a change in which at least one new substance is formed (ex. burning wood).



Using the periodic table, let's make like an element and "zinc" about the elements.

 Also, complete the following worksheet (the key is below the worksheet, so you can check your answers):