Monday, February 1, 2021

SNC 2P - Biology - Hierarchy of Structure in Animals

Multicelullar organisms (like humans and dogs) are made up of various specialized cells.  Unlike single celled organisms, single specialized cells cannot survive on their own.  Specialized cells are one small component of larger groups of cells that make up the organism’s body.

Multicellular organisms are organized into levels that become increasingly complex, from cells at the most basic level, to tissues, organs, organ systems, and the whole organism itself. 

This image was obtained from here.  Go there if you want to see a nifty power point on the hierarchy of structure in animals.  Be aware that the information in this link is far beyond the course curriculum.


Cells - the smallest structural unit of an organism 

ex.  In humans, there are several different types like skin cells, red blood cells, etc.

Tissues – a collection of similar cells that perform a particular, but limited, function.

ex.  In humans there are four major types: epithelial, connective, muscle and nerve tissue.


Organs – a structure composed of different tissues working together to perform a complex body function.

ex.  In humans, the digestive system contains the stomach, intestines, etc.


Organ Systems – a system of one or more organs and structures that work together to perform a complex body function.

ex.  In humans there are the digestive, circulatory, respiratory, musculoskeletal and nervous systems.


Organism -  an individual animal

ex.  A human being.


Your mission:

  1. Using p. 44-47, fill in the following table.  When you finish, send me (on Edsby) the completed PDF or take pictures of your work.  
  2.  Time to do some sorting.

p. 45

p. 46

p. 46
