Wednesday, February 17, 2021

SNC 2P - Physics - Convex Mirrors & Ray Diagrams

Convex Mirrors

The convex mirror has an outward curve.


Images Formed by Convex Mirrors

The images formed by convex mirrors are similar to those formed by plane mirrors. 

The mirrors on cars are convex.


Mirror Definitions

Centre of Curvature (C) – the centre of an imaginary sphere with the same. curvature as the mirror

Vertex (V) – geometric centre of the curved mirror surface.

Principal Axis (PA) – line passing through the vertex and the centre of curvature (similar to handle on an umbrella).

Focal Length (f) – the distance from the focal point (F) to the vertex.


Drawing Light Ray Diagrams for a Concave Mirror


Answer Key for the Convex Mirror practice: