Monday, February 1, 2021

SNC 2P - Biology - Mitosis

Recall that the cell cycle consists of the following steps:

  • interphase
  • mitosis
  • cytokinesis


Mitosis can be further broken down into four phases:

  • prophase
  • metaphase
  • anaphase
  • telophase


So, all the stages of the cell cycle, in order are:

Interphase๐Ÿ žProphase๐Ÿ žMetaphase๐Ÿ žAnaphase๐Ÿ žTelophase๐Ÿ žCytokinesis

(or just using the first letter of each phase: I๐Ÿ žP๐Ÿ žM๐Ÿ žA๐Ÿ žT๐Ÿ žC

Click here to continue to learn about the cell cycle and mitosis.