Monday, May 25, 2020

SCH 3U - Solution Stoichiometry Lab

Your mission today is to create a precipitate.

But, miss, how will I do that?

I was hoping you would ask...

  1. Measure out 5.0 mL of your solution, using a clean and dry graduated cylinder.
  2. Find someone in the class that has a solution that, when mixed with yours, will create a precipitate.
  3. Measure out 5.0 mL of their solution, using a clean and dry graduated cylinder.
  4. In front of the teacher, pour the two solutions into a clean small beaker.
  5. Stand back and admire the precipitate that forms.
  6. Carry out stoichiometric calculations to determine the theoretical mass of precipitate formed.  See below.
  7. Hand in your calculations.
  8. Sit back and bask in your handiwork.


Your Solution   +   Their Solution   →   Precipitate  +  Other Product

V = 5.0 mL              V = 5.0 mL                m = ?

c = ______              c = ______         


P.S.  If you are using the solution of a hydrate (like, copper(II) sulfate pentahydrate), just ignore the hydrate portion of the formula when you create your balanced equation.  Everything else (V = 5 mL and c = ___) will remain the same.