Tuesday, May 12, 2020

SCH 4U - Acid Rain

Acid Rain 

For those of you asking for a mark boost, this is your day!!  Do the work below (for the love of dog, use point form please) and hand it in tomorrow.

Ready?  Set?  GO! 🏃 🏃 🏃 🏃

Read the Case Study below and answer the following questions.

(a)  What is acid deposition?
(b)   List the natural sources of acid deposition.
(c)   What are the main causes of acid deposition?  List the chemical and the source.
(d)   What is the role of limestone in a lake?
(e)   What is leaching?
(f)     How does acid deposition affect forests?
(g)   Why is the use of tall smokestacks not a solution to acid deposition?
(h)   What is a scrubber and how does it work?
(i)     Why is acid deposition such a serious environmental, economic and social problem?
(j)     What are the human costs of acid deposition?
(k)   Read the last paragraph.  Are you for or against legislation?  Fully defend your position in half a page or more.