Tuesday, May 5, 2020

SCH 3U - Boyle's, Charles' & Gay-Lussac's Gas Laws

Boyle’s Law
As the pressure (P) on a gas increases, what happens to the volume (V)? 
Answer: P↑ ­, V↓

Boyle said, “The volume of a given amount of gas, at a constant temperature, varies inversely with the applied pressure.”

∴ P 1/V 

( means “proportional to”; to remove a proportionality symbol and introduce an equal sign instead, we incorporate a constant (k)):

P = k (1/V)  or k = PV

For the gas at initial conditions, P1V1 = k
For the gas at final conditions, P2V2 = k
And, since a constant is, well, constant, we can equate the k, which allows us to equate the other halves of the equations:

P1V1 = P2V2

ex.  If 15.0 L of gas at 80.0 kPa is compressed until its pressure is 320 kPa, what is the new volume of the gas?

V1 = 15.0 L                                               P1V1 = P2V2 
P1 = 80.0 kPa                        80.0 kPa(15.0 L) = 320 kPa(V2)
P2 = 320 kPa                                                V2 = 3.75 L
V2 = ?                                   the new volume is 3.8 L.
👉  Check out this video for a cool demonstration of Boyle's Law.

Pressure can be measured using several units (Pa, kPa, atm, Torr, mmHg, psi, bar) and you should be able to convert between all of them, using the relationships on p. 509. 

Let’s practice. Convert (a) 212 kPa into atm, (b) 11.57 psi into mm Hg

(a) Using the relationship between kPa and atm (101.325 kPa = 1.00 atm), set up a ratio:

   212 kPa              x
----------------- = ------------
101.325 kPa     1.00 atm

x = 2.09 atm

(b) Using the relationship between psi and mmHg (14.7 psi = 760 mmHg), set up a ratio:

11.57 psi              x
------------- = ---------------
 14.7 psi      760.0 mmHg

x = 598 mmHg

Charles’ Law
As the temperature (T) of a gas increases, what happens to the volume (V)? 
Answer: T↑ ­, V↑ ­

Charles said, “The volume of a fixed mass of gas is proportional to its temperature when the pressure is kept constant.”

V T         V = kT or k = V/T

For the gas at initial conditions, V1/T1 = k 
For the gas at final conditions, V2/T2 = k
Which combines to give:

V1/T1 = V2/T2

Charles did V-T experiments on various gases and found that regardless of the gas used, the x-intercept on the V vs. T graph was always -273°C (see figure 11.15, p. 519).  A fellow scientist, Lord Kelvin used this information to create a new temperature scale, where TK = TC + 273.15.  For instance, 25.00°C would be equivalent to 298.15 K. For all gas calculations, we will always use temperatures in K.

ex. A 2.50 L party balloon is removed from a room at 22.3ºC and taken outside on a cold winter day.  If the outside temperature is -3.6ºC, what is the volume of the balloon now?

V1 = 2.50 L                                                         V1/T1 = V2/T2 
T1 = 22.3 + 273.15 = 295.5 K              2.50 L/295.5 K = V2/269.6 K
V2 = ?                                                                      V2 = 2.28 L
T2 = -3.6 + 273.15 = 269.6 K               ∴ the volume is 2.28 L.

👉  Check out this video for a cool demonstration of Charles' Law. 

Gay-Lussac’s Law
As the temperature (T) of a gas increases, what happens to the pressure (P)? 
Answer: T↑ ­, P ­↑

Gay- Lussac said, “The pressure of a fixed amount of gas, at a constant volume, is directly proportional to its Kelvin temperature.”

∴P T         P = kT or k = P/T

For the gas at initial conditions, P1/T1 = k
For the gas at final conditions, P2/T2 = k

P1/T1 = P2/T2

ex. A gas, at 225 kPa, has a temperature of 26ºC.  If the pressure is decreased to 101 kPa, what is the new temperature of the gas?

P1 = 225 kPa                                                P1/T1 = P2/T2 
T1 = 26 + 273.15 = 299 K              225 kPa/299 K = 101 kPa/T2 
P2 = 101 kPa                                                     T2 = 134.22 K
T2 = ?                                          the temperature is 134 K.

👉  Check out this video for a cool demonstration of Gay-Lussac's Law.

Practice p. 514 # 1, 4, 9
Learning Check p. 518 # 16
Practice p. 522 # 11, 14
Practice p. 525 # 21, 25

Student Questions:
1. I can't get 1 or 4 from page 514. Not sure what I'm doing wrong.  Also, the answer to page 518 #16 is not at the back of the book so I can't check if I did it right.
No problem.  I did all the answers, because I'm just nice like that.  :)