Friday, May 1, 2020

SCH 4U - pH & pOH

pH Scale
Recall that the pH scale typically runs from 0 to 14 (although it is possible to have a pH outside that range).  The pink region is acidic (stomach acid, lemon juice), the purple neutral (pure water, saline solution) and the blue is basic (antacids, baking soda).

0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11  12  13  14

The [H+] in solution is usually quite small, ∴ we usually express [H+] in terms of pH.  A change in one unit of pH, changes the concentration tenfold.  You should recall this equation from both grade 10 science and grade 11 chemistry:

pH = -log[H+]

ex. If [H+] = 1.0 x 10-7 M, what is the pH of the solution?   

pH = -log [H+]
pH = -log(1.0 x 10-7
      = 7.00*

ex. A sample of apple juice has a pH of 3.76.  Calculate the hydrogen ion concentration.

      pH = -log [H+]
    3.76 = -log[H+]
log[H+] = -3.76      
(To remove the log, take the anti-log - it's the 10x button on your calculator - usually found as the second function on the log button.)
     [H+] = 10-3.76
     [H+] = 1.74 x 10-4 M*

*Tip:  There are specific rules for rounding when using log.  However, let's make life simpler and just use two decimal places, whether reporting a pH value or [H+] value in scientific notation.

We can also calculate pOH:

pOH = -log[OH-]

Starting with the equation we were introduced to in the last lesson and incorporating the pH and pOH equations, we can derive another equation that we be very useful: 

Starting with:                                                [H+][OH-] = 1.0 x 10-14

Take log of both sides:                          log([H+][OH-]) = log(1.0 x 10-14)

log(xy) = logx + logy:                      log[H+] + log[OH-] = log(1.0 x 10-14)

Multiply each term by -1:           -log[H+] + (-log[OH-]) = 14.00

Using equations for pH, pOH, gives:          pH + pOH = 14.00

Measuring pH
pH can be measured using a pH meter (pair of electrodes connected to a meter which measures small voltages – the voltage varies with pH).  A cruder method is with acid-base indicators, like litmus or phenolphthalein.

Strong Acids
The most common strong acids are HCl, HBr, HI, HNO3, HClO4, H2SO4.   
Recall that a strong acid dissociates completely into its ions (HA H+ + A-).

ex. What is the pH of a 0.040 M solution of perchloric acid?

HClO4(aq)   →   H+(aq)   +   ClO4-(aq)

[H+] = [ClO4-] = 0.040 M, due to the stoichiometry above

pH = -log[H+]
pH = -log(0.040)
pH = 1.40 

Strong Bases 

The most common strong bases are group 1 and group 2 metal hydroxides, like NaOH, KOH, Mg(OH)2 and Sr(OH)2.   

Recall that a strong base dissociates completely into its ions (MOH M+ + OH-). 

ex. What is the pH of a 0.011 M solution of Ca(OH)2?

Ca(OH)2(aq)   →   Ca2+(aq)   +   2OH-(aq)

[OH-] = 2(0.011 M) = 0.022 M, from the stoichometry above

pOH = -log[OH-]
        = -log(0.022)
        = 1.66

pH + pOH = 14.00
pH + 1.66 = 14.00
           pH = 12.34

Homework #6a-11