Monday, May 18, 2020

SCH 3U - Determing Molar Mass, Density, EF & MF of a Gas

First things first - remember waaaaaaaay back to grade 9 when you learned that density (d) is given by the division of mass (m) by volume (V):



Cool beans!   Now that we have that out of the way, you are going to do some self-led and/or small group learning today:


Here is your mission:

👉 Read "Density & Molar Mass of Gases" on p. 551-552.  You may wish to make notes as you read.

👉 Go over the three sample problems on p. 553-556:

"Determining the Molecular Formula of a Gas Using Percentage Composition & the Ideal Gas Law" 

"Finding the Density of a Gas Using the Ideal Gas Law" 

"Finding the Molar Mass of a Gas Using the Ideal Gas Law."


👉 Do p. 556 # 26 (M = ?), 28 (d = ?), 29 (EF, MF = ?) to test your knowledge.

Now, stand back and bask in the warm glow of attaining new knowledge.  
