Thursday, June 25, 2020

SCH 3U - SCH 3U Review

This is the exam review.  It is worth your while to be sure that you can do the questions in this booklet, as it will aid your success on the exam and in future chemistry courses (I'll see some of y'all next year 😉).

The most crucial concepts at which you MUST be proficient are:

  • nomenclature (surprise, surpise) ↝ #3-8
  • bonding ↝ #14, 18
  • predicting products ↝ #20,
  • using the Activity Series of Metals and the Solubility rules (as appropriate) ↝ #20
  • writing out balanced equations, with the correct state symbols ↝ #20
  • writing out total ionic and net ionic equations (as appropriate) ↝ #20
  • calculations involving moles, molar mass, mass ↝ #21, 22, 28, 32
  • calculations involving pressure, volume, temperature ↝ # 52-56
  • calculations involving moles, volume, concentration ↝ # 38, 41, 45, 46, 48
  • acid and base definitions and characteristics ↝ #47
  • pH scale & calculations ↝ # 39, 40, 49
  • stoichiometric calculations ↝ #33, 34, 44, 57-59
  • intermolecular forces and properties ↝ #35, 36

Obviously, there are a lot of concepts and skills that you must bring with you into the next step in your chemistry education. You should be able to do all of the above questions without looking at notes/textbook/internet or asking for help from friends/family/tutor.  It is only fair to warn you that the SCH 4U chemistry course is a large step up in terms of time, effort and ability compared to SCH 3U.  So, be prepared. 

Well folks, there's nothing left but the cheering.  We made it.  We survived and we prevailed. 


