Thursday, June 4, 2020

SCH 3U - Qualitative Analysis

Read p. 411-413 and make notes.

Here's a video I made showing you flame tests.

Review Questions, p. 414 # 9, 10, 13 



 9.  A chemist can determine an unknown substance in a solution by using qualitative analysis.

10.  Li ion will produce a red flame during a flame test.

13.  left to right 

→ chromium (II) or copper (II), iron (III), chromate, cobalt (II) or manganese (II), chromium (II) or copper (II)   

🠊 when there is only one possibility based on colour, confidence is high (ex. chromate is the only yellow)

🠊 when there is more than one possibility based on colour, confidence is lower (ex. both chromium (II) and copper (II) are blue)