Monday, March 1, 2021

SNC 2P - Chemistry - Single Replacement Reactions

Single replacement reactions involve one element replacing another element in a compound.

The general formula is:   

X   +    YZ      Y   +   XZ    


element + compound new element + new compound

This is analogous to a person breaking in on a dancing couple.


Some lone elements are “special” and will be found as diatomics or polyatomics: H2, O2, N2, F2, Cl2, Br2, I2, P4, S.

All other elements are monatomics:  Fe, Ca, Li, etc.

Remember:  Elements combined in compounds use their valances to determined the ratios in a compound.


Practice Questions:

For each of the following (a) complete the word equation, (b) create a balanced equation.

(a) potassium + lithium bromide 

(b)  sodium + copper (II) chloride  

(c)  magnesium + aluminum nitride  



(a) potassium + lithium bromide potassium bromide + lithium

              K      +         LiBr                          KBr            +     Li


(b) sodium + copper (II) chloride copper + sodium chloride

         Na     +          CuCl2               Cu    +          NaCl


(c) magnesium + aluminum nitride aluminum + magnesium nitride

           3Mg       +          2AlN                2Al       +          Mg3N2


