Tuesday, March 2, 2021

SNC 2P - Chemistry - Acids & Bases


Acids are found in many substances we use on a daily basis, like lemons and other citrus fruits, vinegar, grapefruit and  milk.

Although foods that contain acids are safe to eat, not all substances that contain acid should be eaten.

Many acids are corrosive and this makes them dangerous to eat or have on your skin, as the acid will “eat away” at your tissues.

Acids are substances that increase the concentration of hydrogen ions (H+) when placed in aqueous solution. 

They have the general formula HX, where X represents an anion.

What are the strongest acids in the world, you may ask?




Bases are also found in many substances that we use on a daily basis, like antacids, tonic water, baking soda and bittersweet chocolate.

Bases can also be dangerous and corrosive, so caution is often required.

Bases are substances that increase the concentration of hydroxide ions (OH-) when placed in aqueous solution.

They have the general formula MOH, where M usually represents a metal ion.

Let's check out this video for some more acid and base love.



Indicators are used to indicate the acidity or basicity of a substance by a change in colour.

Some common ones are phenolphthalein, bromthymol blue, litmus paper.

Want to make your own acid-base indicator?  Stay tuned.

Check out the cool way this high school student has used the colour changing properties of indicators to make a difference in the world.  Wow!



Use the internet to find the answers for the following chart.