Wednesday, March 3, 2021

SNC 2P - Chemistry - pH Scale

The acidity or basicity of a substance can be indicated using an indicator’s colour change or by using numbers.

The pH scale is a sequence of numbers ranging from 0 to 14 (although it is possible to have a pH lower than 0 or greater than 14).  The pH value is a indication of hydrogen ion (H+) concentration. 

  • Lower numbers (0 to just before 7) indicate an acidic substance.
  • Higher numbers (just above 7 to 14) indicate a basic substance.
  • Exactly 7 indicates a neutral substance (which is neither acidic nor basic).


Check out this video, for some more pHantastic chemistry! 

The term "pH" stands for "power of hydrogen," since an increase (or decrease) of pH by 1, represents a ten-fold change in hydrogen ion concentration.  Thus, small changes in pH relates to large changes in acidity or basicity strength.  

Each time the pH value changes by one, the strength of the acid or base changes by ten times.  For example, an substance with a pH of 2 is ten times more acidic than a substance with a pH of 3.

Environmental scientists are very concerned about changes in pH when in comes to bodies of water on Earth.  Let's find out why.

Now, let's make like a referee and get neutral.