Monday, April 27, 2020

SCH 4C - Organic Compounds - Alkanes

Organic Compounds

Organic compounds include the compounds of the element carbon, excluding CO, CO2, cyanides and carbonates.  There are over six million identified organic compounds.



  • C atoms can bond to one another to form rings, long chains and branched chains.
  • C is always surrounded by four bonds.
  • C can be part of a chain or ring, yet still able to bond with hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and the halogens (F, Cl, Br, I).



There are two groups of hydrocarbons

  • aliphatic (chains or rings of carbon atoms, bonded together by single, double or triple bonds, surrounded by hydrogen atoms)
  • aromatic (carbon atoms arranged in 6 member rings with no more than one hydrogen atom per carbon)


Alkanes (saturated, CnH2n+1)

Alkanes consist of chains or rings of carbon joined by single covalent bonds, with hydrogen atoms attached to the carbons where necessary.



Isomers are compounds with the same formulae, but different structures.  In the example below, both have the formula, C4H10, but the structure and properties of each isomer are unique.



Practice, p. 183 # 1, 2

Read "Safe Use of Organic Solvents" p. 215-217 then do p. 217 #1-4.
