Thursday, April 23, 2020

SCH 4U - Spontaneity, Enthalpy & Entropy

The Second Law of Thermodynamics

The Second Law of Thermodynamics expresses the notion that there is an inherent direction in which any system moves if it is not at equilibrium.  For instance, when a shiny nail is left outdoors, it rusts.  This process occurs without outside intervention and is said to be spontaneous.  
For every spontaneous process, there is a reverse process.  We can imagine that a rusty iron nail is transformed into a shiny one, but it is inconceivable that this process is spontaneous.  
Our years of observing nature have impressed upon us the simple rule: Processes that are spontaneous in one direction are not spontaneous in the reverse direction.

The fact that a process is spontaneous does not mean that it will occur at an observable rate.  A spontaneous reaction may be fast or slow.  Thermodynamics can tells us the direction and extent of a reaction, but not the speed.  Reaction rates are the subject of chemical kinetics.   

Spontaneity and Entropy

The spontaneous motion of a brick released from your hand is toward the ground.  As the brick falls, it loses potential energy.  This potential energy is first converted into kinetic energy, the energy of the motion of the brick.  When the brick hits the floor, its kinetic energy is converted into heat.  The overall result of the brick’s fall is thus a conversion of the potential energy of the brick into heat in its surroundings.  This phenomenon is result of a system’s tendency to seek a resting place of minimum energy.

The First Law of Thermodynamics (aka the Law of Conservation of Energy) states that energy is neither created nor destroyed in any process, only converted from one form into another.

The tendency for a system to achieve the lowest possible energy is one of the driving forces that determines the behaviour of molecular systems.  The brick possesses potential energy because of its position relative to the floor.  
Likewise, a chemical substance possesses potential energy relative to other substances because of the arrangements of nuclei and electrons.  When these arrangements change, energy may be released.  
For example, the combustion of propane, which is clearly a spontaneous process, is very exothermic:

C3H8(g)  +  5O2(g)    3CO2(g)  +  4H2O(l)     ΔH=-2202 kJ

The rearrangements of nuclei and electrons in going from reactants to products lead to a lower chemical potential energy and so heat is evolved.  Reactions that are highly exothermic are generally spontaneous.  However, the tendency toward minimum enthalpy is not the only factor that determines spontaneity in molecular processes. 

Spontaneity & Entropy Change

There are several processes that are spontaneous even though they are not exothermic.  For example, consider the melting of ice at room temperature.  The process

H2O(s)    H2O(l)

is very spontaneous at 22°C, yet it is an endothermic change.  The molecules of water that make up an ice crystal are held rigidly in place in the ice crystal lattice.  When the ice melts, the water molecules are free to move about.  Thus, in liquid water the individual water molecules are more randomly distributed than in the solid.  A highly ordered solid structure is replaced by the much more disordered liquid structure. 

As the above example illustrates, spontaneity is associated with an increase in randomness or disorder of a system.  The randomness is expressed by a thermodynamic quantity called entropy, given the symbol S.  The more disordered a system, the greater its entropy.   

Like enthalpy, entropy is a state function and the change of entropy of a system, ΔS=Sfinal-Sinitial, depends only on initial and final states.

A positive ΔS indicates an increase in randomness or disorder and signals a spontaneous process.   

A negative ΔS indicates a decrease in randomness and indicates a non-spontaneous process. 


Molecular Interpretation of Entropy & The Third Law of Thermodynamics 

A molecule can engage in three types of movement, translational, vibrational and rotational motion.  These forms of motion are ways that the molecule has of storing energy.  As the temperature of a system increases, the amounts of energy stored in these forms of motion increase.

To see how this pertains to entropy, imagine a pure substance that forms a perfect crystalline lattice at the lowest possible temperature, absolute zero.  The Third Law of Thermodynamics states that the entropy of a pure crystalline substance at absolute zero is zero, S(0K)=0.  As the substance is heated the molecules have increased freedom of motion and this adds to the entropy content of the substance.  Therefore, as the temperature of a system rises, so does the entropy of the system.

Calculation of Entropy Changes

The entropy values of substances in their standard states (1 atm) are known as standard entropies and are denoted S°.  The entropy change in a chemical reaction is given by the sum of the entropies of the products minus the sum of the entropies of the reactants.  If this equation looks familiar, it should.  We have seen a similar equation in the past.  Use this new equation just like in the past, except we use S values instead of ΔH values.

ΔS°=S°(products) - S°(reactants)

Predicting Placement of the Heat Term

The entropy of a system can be used to determine the placement of the heat term in the chemical reaction equation.  The heat term is always placed in the equation, opposite the side of maximum disorder.  For instance, consider the Haber process.

N2(g)  +  3H2(g)    2NH3(g)

Maximum disorder occurs on the reactant side of the equation because four moles of gas are more disordered than two moles of gas.  Since the reactant side of the equation is more disordered, these molecules contain more stored energy.  When the system shifts towards products, the stored energy of the system drops and the excess energy is released as heat.  Thus the heat term is placed on the product side of the reaction, indicating that this process is exothermic (ΔH<0):

N2(g)  +  3H2(g)    2NH3(g)   +  heat

To determine which side has the greatest disorder, first compare the number of moles of gas on each side (since gases have the greatest disorder).  The side with the higher amount of gas, will be more disordered and so the heat term will be placed opposite to this.  If there are no gases, instead compare the amounts of aqueous solutions on each side.  No solutions? Look for liquids and if there are no liquids, look at the amount of solids.

Place the heat term on the proper side of each reaction equation.
H2O(l)    H2O(s)  + heat
heat  +  CaCO3(s)    CaO(s)  +  CO2(g)

*highlight the line for the above rxns with your cursor to reveal the answers

Homework #31-35