Saturday, October 31, 2020


Hunt Hints:

👉 A good detective will exercise control over the investigation.

👉 Detectives have to work hard.  There is no free lunch.

👉 A good criminal must fly under the radar, even when in plain sight.

👉 There is a science to catching criminals.

👉 The CSI unit takes pictures of the crime scene and goes through the mug shots.

👉 Correctly following the clues is an art form.

👉 Crime is a messy business.



Each team of detectives will turn in one completed "Police Report."  

All teams with a perfect set of answers will be entered into a draw.  

WHat CaN wE wiN?? 😏

The winning team will not have to write up one lab this semester (excluding the titration lab). They will get all the fun of an experiment without the bummer of the lab report.