Thursday, January 28, 2021

SNC 2P - Biology - Cells & Organelles

Learning Goals: 

Studying cells helps us understand how organisms function.

Cellular organelles work together to carry out life functions.

Cellular processes enable organisms to meet their basic needs.

Success Criteria: 

I can…

…list out why studying cells is important.

…label organelles on a plant & animal cell diagram.

…indicate the functions of organelles.

…describe diffusion & osmosis and provide examples.



Anticipation Guide

What do you already know about tissues, organs and body systems?  Let's find out!

What Do I Know?


Why Should We Learn About Cells?

It allows us to

  • determine how organisms function
  • determine how to protect cells to prevent infection and disease
  • observe cells to diagnose disease
  • treat cells to heal illness
  • stop harming cells through our choices and actions


The Cell Theory

  1. All living organisms are made up of one or more cells.
  2. The cell is the simplest unit that carries out the processes of life.
  3. All cells come from pre-existing cells.
The history of cell theory is super wacky.  Check it out.

Cells, Cells, They're Made of Organelles...

An organelle is structure within a cell.

Organelles work together to carry out certain functions that support the life of the cell.

These functions include transporting in nutrients, taking out wastes, generating and releasing energy for cell use, making necessary substances and reproducing.

Just try to not sing along with the chorus.  I dare you.  😉


Cells & Organelles

All living things are made up of cells - either animal cells or plant cells, depending on the organism. All cells are made up of organelles.  

Animal Cell
Plant Cell

An organelle is a structure within a cell.  Organelles work together to carry out all the functions that support the life of the cell.

These functions include:

  • bringing in nutrients
  • removing wastes
  • creating and providing energy for the cell to use
  • making substances required by the cell
  • reproducing

Let's make like an organelle and do some work.