Friday, January 29, 2021

SNC 2P - Biology - Hereditary Material

It’s All About You, Baby!

Make a list of ten (10) characteristics of you (hair colour, sense of humour, etc).

Check mark the ones that you think were passed down to you by your parents


Cell Division

A mother cell undergoes division to produce two daughter cells.  The daughter cells will be genetically identical to the mother cell.  This means that the daughter cells are clones and will have all the same characteristics as the mother cell.



In the diagram above, each new daughter cell inherits a set of instructions that determines its characteristics & functions.

These instructions come in the form of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid).

DNA is found in the nucleus of the cell.  It is in the shape of a long, twisted ladder (double helix).

DNA coils & compacts into chromatin threads in order to pack into the tiny nucleus.

One of your uncoiled DNA strands is 2 m long (and it fits into a nucleus with a diameter of 0.000 005 m).  Woah! 

When a cell divides, the chromatin packs together even more tightly into chromosomes.  These chromosomes are used to pass on hereditary information when a cell divides.

Let's learn some more about DNA by watching this video.


DNA Phone Home

Your DNA replicates trillions of times over your lifetime. It’s amazing that more mistakes don’t happen.

If you think of playing the "Telephone Game" as representing the duplication of DNA, you would have to pass along the contents of an entire shelf of books to approximate the info in DNA. Double woah!



Question of the Day #1:  Why do you think DNA is packed together even more tightly into chromosomes when a cell divides?  Send me your answer on Edsby.


SNC 2P - Biology - Cell Division

Learning Goals:

Studying cells helps us understand how organisms function.

Cellular organelles work together to carry out life functions.

Cellular processes enable organisms to meet their basic needs.


Success Criteria:  

I can...

...list out why studying cells is important.

...label organelles on a plant & animal cell diagram.

...indicate the functions of organelles.

...describe diffusion & osmosis and provide examples.




Why Do Cells Divide?

Cells must divide to make more of themselves, rather than simply growing ever larger


There are two reasons why cell size is limited:

  • the amount of material in a cell increases faster than the cell membrane grows, so the membrane cannot keep up with the import of nutrients and the export of waste 🠆 the cell dies 😢
  • the amount of material in a cell increases, but the speed of diffusion does not, so the diffusion of nutrients and wastes takes too long 🠆 the cell dies 😢

SNC 2P - Biology - Osmosis & Diffusion

 Let's read p.16 and 17 together.



Cellular Processes – the processes that organelles perform to carry out the cell’s life functions.

Diffusion – the movement of molecules (or other particles) from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration until they are evenly distributed.

Concentration - the number of particle of a substance in a certain volume.

Osmosis – movement of water across a membrane in response to concentration differences.

SNC 2P - Biology - Cell Analogy Activity

Let's start today's lesson by revisiting the Cells & Organelles worksheet

This time it is for marks, so work carefully.  

Attention!  Attention!  This is not a drill, people - this is the real deal!! 😁

Cross-section of a plant stem under the microscope.



Now that you have been reintroduced to both the plant and animal cells, let's see if you can communicate your understanding of the structure, function and relationship of the cells' parts through the use of an anology.   



🠞  Choose a type of cell 🠆 plant cell or animal cell. 

🠞  Choose something to which to compare your cell.  (For instance, "An animal cell is like a factory."   This is your analogy. 

🠞  Choose eight (8) organelles from the list below and create an analogy for each one.  The analogy should "match" or parallel the actual function and make sense within your analogy as a whole. 

  • cell membrane
  • cytoplasm
  • mitochondria
  • ribosomes
  • endoplasmic reticulum
  • vesicles
  • Golgi bodies
  • nucleus
  • vacuoles
  • cytoskeleton
  • cell wall
  • chloroplasts
  • vesicle

🠞  Create a "poster." This can be done on a regular sheet of paper.   The poster should include:

  • the title, "A __________ cell is like a __________."
  • drawings of the analogies for the eight (8) parts that you choose.  You must do the drawings yourself.  I do not expect you to be an artist.  Use coloured pens/pencils/markers/etc if you have them. 
  • a brief description of the actual function of the organelle.
  • an explanation of the relationship between the organelle and the analogy that you chose.

 🠞  The project is due any day you are school from Feb 8-11.  Plan your time wisely, as I will not accept late projects.   


Here's a great example of a cell analogy project.  Take a look if you want some inspiration.

 Grading Rubric:

Notice that this project is out of a lot of marks.  This is a great way to give yourself a mark boost to start this class out on a positive vibe.  👊👏💪😆